Energy Storage (Accamulation)
What is energy storage and why do we need it?
A solar installation, as its name implies, produces energy from the sun. On an annual average, in Israel the photovoltaic systems produce energy about 10 hours a day, but only about a third of the time at large capacities.
The energy produced is streamed into the national electricity grid (in the case of an arrangement with the electricity company) or consumed by the consumer (in the case that there is no connection to the electricity grid or in a system that operates using the Export Limit method).
If the solar installation generates More Energy from consumption - it is actually lost...
In order to fully utilize the capabilities of the photovoltaic system, it is possible to install a storage facility that will preserve the energy that the consumer did not use - for future use.
In a system where a storage facility is installed, the consumer will continue to consume the energy produced by the system even during the evening and night hours
(hours when the solar system does not produce energy).
The storage facilities allow a complete (or almost complete) disconnection from the national electricity grid and to be based on green energy only!
During the year 2024, a new arrangement with the IEC is planned to enter:
The idea in this arrangement is to release the energy to the national grid during the evening hours (peak hours) when the electricity rate is higher.